Pi Day
Students at Konocti Christian Academy (KCA) celebrated Friday March 13 as “Pi Day”. Pi is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, equal to approximately 3.14. While Pi Day (3.14) is usually a celebration for the truly “math nerdy” KCA students have planned a day of fun (nerdy and not) which culminates in the “Pi-eing” of a willing teacher as well as the community service goal to collect 314 cans of food for local food banks.
This year the students who recited Pi to the highest digit in each class won a medal. The winner for the K/1st class was Zachary Kimbell-Auth, 23 digits; 2nd/3rd class was Anna DelBosco, 86 digits; 4th/5th/6th class was Kimberlyn Bridges, 106 digits; and the 7th/8th class, Claire Plante, 51 digits. Other students with high digits were 3rd grader Jon VanDerWall with 68 digits and 4th grader Nick Rein with 100 digits.
In case you’re wondering, this is what 106 digits of Pi looks like: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375108209749445923078164062862089986280348
Winners of the Best Nerdy Costume for each class were: Zachary Kimbell-Auth, Joshua Bridges, Joe Tannous and Christian Anne McMilin.
Posted on 3/13/2009
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