Helping Students Grow in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man.

H1N1 Influenza Information Update

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In reviewing the most recent recommendations from the CDC and the Lake County Department of Health Services regarding H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu), KCA would like to communicate the following information:

Please continue to prevent the spread of illness by doing the following:

1. Check your children for symptoms of influenza (primarily fever with either a cough, sore throat, body aches, vomiting or diarrhea).
2. Keep sick children at home … Don’t send them to school.
3. Teach your children to wash their hands often with soap and water.
4. Teach your children to cover coughs and sneezes with tissues or by coughing into the inside of the elbow.
5. Teach your children to keep their hands away from their face (mouth, nose, eyes).

Students who exhibit a fever will be sent home from school immediately.

Individuals who are sick with influenza-like illness must remain at home until:

1. 24-48 hours after they are free of fever (1000F) or signs of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications (our handbook states 24 hours but 48 hours would be best)
2. seven days from onset of symptoms, whichever is longer.

Children are known to shed viruses longer than adults so by keeping them home longer you protect your child by not exposing their weakened immune systems to other viruses AND you protect other students and adults from becoming infected.

KCA is working hard to help keep our school environment free of germs by daily disinfecting student desks, chairs, door handles and handrails. Students are encouraged to use our foam hand sanitizer dispensers each time they enter and leave their classroom. Students are also encouraged to wash hands before snack and lunchtime.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office.

Additional information on H1N1 health alerts can be found at


Posted on 10/26/2009

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